T-NER: An All-Round Python Library for Transformer-based Named Entity Recognition

Figure 1: T-NER Web interface.

T-NER is a python-library to train, evaluate, and host inference of named-entity recognition (NER) model, which proposed in the following paper. Figure 1 shows T-NER’s interface where one can deploy NER models and run the model prediction from the interface interactively.

Asahi Ushio and Jose Camacho-Collados
T-NER: An All-Round Python Library for Transformer-based Named Entity Recognition
Proceedings of EACL 2021 System Demonstration [pdf] [code] [slide] [acl anthology] [demo]

Please also have a look the following slide presented in EACL 2021.

2021-04, EACL, T-NER: An All-Round Python Library for Transformer-based Named Entity Recognition from asahiushio1